India was attacked again; this time – on 13th Feb’10 - the city on terrorists’ radar was Pune, almost a twin city of Bombay. And this happened in spite of the “actionable intelligence” available with the concerned authorities. In fact, the intelligence available was so glaring and clear that in order to have ignored it completely must have been a monumental task for the people concerned. Only last week Pune was mentioned – publicly – in LeT’s/JuD’s massive rally in Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir, held primarily to press their anti-India point, as a sure target for their attack. And the television footage/newspaper transcripts were available with all concerned in India, besides the other relevant and related intelligence reports provided by the indigenous agencies.
Still India kept sleeping. But, why? Nobody knows the answer for sure. Nor is anybody hopeful of getting a credible explanation from the ever-sleepy state government or even the now active Home Ministry.
Without towing the usual line – almost clichéd as far as terror attacks are concerned – of discussions or debates, I want to simply put this point across that when will India acquire a “zero-tolerance” attitude towards terrorism? Like every earlier time post Pakistan-sponsored terror attacks, this time too India is almost muted in voicing its protest. Our country once again is exhibiting its lack of courage in denying the “talking” opportunity – actually cementing our neighbour’s “denial” platform further - to Pakistan which is being paraded in the garb of the so-called resuming of the so-called peace-process-through-dialogues.
India for sure is acting under the US pressure in this regard. My question is: Can’t India hold its stand strongly enough so as not to succumb to any international diplomatic pressures, US’ included, till Pakistan actually “walked its talk” on its fight against terror emanating from within its boundaries? Do we really need to talk to Pakistan, so desperately?
But, then, talk for what?
Haven’t we already talked enough in the past sixty years? Or is it only a charade being put up by India in order to gag the geopolitical hawks – US included – and keep them off its shoulder and in fact keep going with the efforts and pressure on Pakistan for stopping cross-border terrorism?
Even if the answer to the last question is “yes”, my objection is in India getting re-positioned as a “soft” state – and a target for terror, therefore – when it is supposed to be “poised” for superpowerdom. Repeated terror strikes and India’s awfully “soft” and inconsistent responses make it seem hugely vulnerable and highly incompetent for the global leadership role.
Still, the diplomatic pundits in the government want to go ahead with the resumption of the so-called peace talks with Pakistan. Well, I can only say, All The Best. But just remember the GOI: All is not well in India.
On 14th Feb – Valentine’s Day - when the entire world was talking about spreading love, India was battling, once again, the aftermath of yet another terror attack. Unfortunately, India seems to be fast getting used to it. For India, Enough is still not Enough.
God save India.
I had always wondered – actually wished! – why should The Newshour have only 60 minutes? Today, with its special edition, the Newshour did stretch to 120 minutes and it was a pleasant surprise to see it getting aired on a Sunday evening. But honestly, its millions of dedicated viewers will vouch that we had never wanted our wish to come true in this unfortunate manner, for an unfortunate incident. Nevertheless, the 2-hour debate was comprehensive and incisive, as always, in the true Timesnow tradition!
Still India kept sleeping. But, why? Nobody knows the answer for sure. Nor is anybody hopeful of getting a credible explanation from the ever-sleepy state government or even the now active Home Ministry.
Without towing the usual line – almost clichéd as far as terror attacks are concerned – of discussions or debates, I want to simply put this point across that when will India acquire a “zero-tolerance” attitude towards terrorism? Like every earlier time post Pakistan-sponsored terror attacks, this time too India is almost muted in voicing its protest. Our country once again is exhibiting its lack of courage in denying the “talking” opportunity – actually cementing our neighbour’s “denial” platform further - to Pakistan which is being paraded in the garb of the so-called resuming of the so-called peace-process-through-dialogues.
India for sure is acting under the US pressure in this regard. My question is: Can’t India hold its stand strongly enough so as not to succumb to any international diplomatic pressures, US’ included, till Pakistan actually “walked its talk” on its fight against terror emanating from within its boundaries? Do we really need to talk to Pakistan, so desperately?
But, then, talk for what?
Haven’t we already talked enough in the past sixty years? Or is it only a charade being put up by India in order to gag the geopolitical hawks – US included – and keep them off its shoulder and in fact keep going with the efforts and pressure on Pakistan for stopping cross-border terrorism?
Even if the answer to the last question is “yes”, my objection is in India getting re-positioned as a “soft” state – and a target for terror, therefore – when it is supposed to be “poised” for superpowerdom. Repeated terror strikes and India’s awfully “soft” and inconsistent responses make it seem hugely vulnerable and highly incompetent for the global leadership role.
Still, the diplomatic pundits in the government want to go ahead with the resumption of the so-called peace talks with Pakistan. Well, I can only say, All The Best. But just remember the GOI: All is not well in India.
On 14th Feb – Valentine’s Day - when the entire world was talking about spreading love, India was battling, once again, the aftermath of yet another terror attack. Unfortunately, India seems to be fast getting used to it. For India, Enough is still not Enough.
God save India.
I had always wondered – actually wished! – why should The Newshour have only 60 minutes? Today, with its special edition, the Newshour did stretch to 120 minutes and it was a pleasant surprise to see it getting aired on a Sunday evening. But honestly, its millions of dedicated viewers will vouch that we had never wanted our wish to come true in this unfortunate manner, for an unfortunate incident. Nevertheless, the 2-hour debate was comprehensive and incisive, as always, in the true Timesnow tradition!
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