Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Goodbye, Americans!

Yes, Goodbye, Americans! That’s what Iraqis would be saying today. And to add to their relief, I say, good riddance! I wonder what a certain Mr. Bush would have to add to my comments.

The name I refer here is the name of a person whose middle name is War: George War Bush. He prefers to present himself as George W. Bush – lest people easily deciphered his pastime: War mongering!

It was seven years ago on 20th March in 2003 that George W. Bush invaded Iraq – an act for which he had been preparing America, the American troops - and the world (“coalition of the willing”) - from the 10th day of his re-election to the White House. This monster was so intensely intent on waging a war against the Saddam Hussein’s regime that he did pay any heed to the United Nations Resolution 1441 terming his “Bush Doctrine” propagating pre-emptive attack on Iraq completely illegal – not in conformity with the UN charter. The world opinion opposing his plans also fell on his self-imposed perennial deafness. What followed in Iraq is “history” – well etched into the bloodied pages of modern world history and into equally bloodied hearts and minds of humankind. The only “unkind” person in the unending sordid saga remained, and no points for guessing, George W. Bush!

With Barack Obama taking over the United States presidency in January 2009, “Change” came to Americaand to Iraq as well! Ending the never-ending war in Iraq was one of his election promises and he has delivered on his promise – withdrawing the residual 50,000 American troops in “advise & assist” capacity from the illegally occupied soils of Iraq on 31st August, four months in advance from the 18-month withdrawal window set for 31st December 2010.

Today I am happy along with the rest of the world for the people of Iraq that finally – hopefully - they will get their due peace and prosperity, and dignity. Their pursuit of happiness has been quite painful, all thanks to a certain Mr. Bush in America.

Today I join the people of Iraq in saying “Thank You, Mr. President for honouring your words. With joy in heart we say goodbye to Americans. May they live in peace – in America!”


Post-script: If George W. Bush were an Indian political leader, he would have “planted” the otherwise “elusive” WMDs in the “tyrant” Saddam Hussein’s courtyard and would have “legitimized” his “war on terror” in Iraq! …


  1. At last I found someone from my college and batch on the blogging world. Aren't u from BIT Mesra 89-93 batch. I was in Mechanical in same batch.

    Yes I am also happy for the Iraqis..Hope similar withdrawal also takes place from Afghanistan in near future. Happy Blogging !

  2. Yes, Manish, you are right. But very sorry that my ageing brain does not let me recall you! Please do not mind. ... Where are you based?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What is there to mind Anju !. You are not expected to remember names of 284 guys of your batch :)

    Well I am based in Ranchi working in SAIL!
