No astrologer could have “predicted” that 2011 was destined to be the Year of Revolution! Of Change! The uprising – “Jasmine Revolution” - which started in Tunisia in late Dec’10, has spread far and wide and is slated to be the watershed in world politics. After ousting Ben Ali from his 23 years of unopposed iron fisted rule over Tunisians, Egyptians Revolution is the most courageous manifestation of people’s power and desire for democracy: liberty and dignity in life!
2 weeks have passed since the protests erupted on the streets of Cairo and got congregated to the central part of the city that is Tahrir Square but the determination of the people of Egypt has remains undiminished. Their sustenance of energy and enthusiasm amidst strong government erected barriers – figuratively and actually – is a testimony to the burning desire of Egyptians to comprehensively reject autocratic form of governance practiced by a firmly established Hosni Mubarak. To watch Mubarak cling to his presidency in face of massive public outcry is almost pitiable. He has to realize fast that he will not be able to withstand the winds of change blowing in Egypt. He will have to go. It is only a matter of days. No amount of manipulations – his last straw - in the name of the so-called “orderly transition” will ‘fool’ Egyptians anymore. Hosni Mubarak will have to go. Period.
Egyptians’ “Million Man March” – March of Million - to Tahrir Square marked the reinforcement of Mahatma Gandhi’s universally applicable – and still relevant - peaceful principles towards pursuit of freedom. This also marked a new beginning in rewriting global politics especially in the Arab and African parts of the globe. All the ongoing revolts narrate the same story for and of Change. The challenge is to keep “marching”.
To the people of the world, I say: If you need a life of liberty and dignity, then, march like an Egyptian! …
And, to Hosni Mubarak and all the autocrats of the world, I say: Go, go, go …
The entire world is focused on the unfolding events in Egypt and elsewhere. The global media – BBC, CNN and ABC in particular – has played an incredible role in taking the boiling revolution to billions’ household! “History-in-making” is being watched “live” which is unprecedented! The “history-in-making” is also in making the whole world unite as world citizens! …
we feel the same kind of revolutions in India too, but unfortunately both ruling & opposition
ReplyDeletehaving the same kind of motive & philosophy...
Anju ..u come under a political system..really people will listen to you.........
Thanks, Anupama; your words are kind. ... We Indians are in very large numbers on the social media but we use it for trivial issues and never for anything worthwhile. The world saw Tunisia and Egypt overthrow their decades old autocracy by using Facebook and Twitter to organize and sustain their revolution. But that does not seem to be the possibility in India. Because centuries of foreign rule has irreversibly predisposed Indian genes to mental slavery! We simply do not have enough spine to stand up for our dignity and life. In fact, "Invertibrate" should replace "Incredible" in India's positioning statement! ... God save our country.