Dear Falak, I know I am prophesying the event of your death but this is what I want for you. That may you die soon. ASAP. That may your soul get to rest-in-peace soon; there isn’t any body left anyway which is now resting-in-pieces.
I know you would be wondering at my state of mind which is in total contrast to the nation’s mood. India is praying to see you fight out and live; I am wishing death for you.
You are too small a baby to fully understand the imminent harsh realities that you are sure to face once you are out of that cold and lonely hospital room in the AIIMS. You have already experienced the ghastly and brutal ways of humanity. Just imagine what will happen to you, a little kid, a girl child, who has already been extensively abused and battered and abandoned – when you step out in this big bad world. All alone, an orphan, and nowhere to go.
There would be a few claimants to your saved body in case you are lucky to experience a miracle and survive – which I will call an absolute misfortune. None of those would-be custodians would be there with any love for you. They all would be there like vultures circling over to stake a claim to your leftover body, and soul. Whosoever be that person to get your custody rights, be sure to get further abused – sexually too – and battered beyond repair. Because the chances of you getting back to a normal existence is remote as your brain had been battered to pulp. You will never regain your usual brain functions – even if you come out of the current coma. You will always be like a vegetable – may be only partially – but not at all in a position to defend yourself even after growing up. Your custodial guardians will treat you like a slave and make you do unimaginable things; a servant’s job would seem quite dignified by any standards. Those greedy people would usurp all the government and private grants – I am sure there would be enough - given in your name for your upkeep and upbringing and will leave you without any facilities and benefits. They will continue to live a better life with the money meant for you instead. And no body, absolutely no body, will ever care to ensure if you have a normal life or not. That if you are being provided the basic amenities or not. That if your fundamental rights to education and a dignified life is being respected or not. All sorts of horrible things will be perpetrated upon you in spite of the fact that enough money would have been arranged and put in the hands of those greedy guardians by a few sympathetic souls. Your existence would be hellish by all accounts. While you would be struggling to just be alive, forget about living your life, the world would have progressed to the state of collective and absolute amnesia.
Well, the situation could be absolutely opposite also. But I am sure that even you too, in your state of being a cute little angel, have come to realize now that you turning out to be extremely fortunate in life is highly unlikely. Your life experiences so far substantiate my pessimistic beliefs. And thus, I wish death for you as soon as possible.
Falak, let me describe the situation to you in a bit more detail. You are citizen of a country which is hugely hypocritical in attitude. Here people proclaim to be proponents of family and family life and claim to respect relationships and emotions but in practice they are diagonally opposite. Otherwise why would we be witnessing ghastly abuse of children in hands of adults. We do not feel guilt employing toddlers as servants and making them toil the entire day in service of grown ups. We do not wince seeing small children working as waiters in hotels and restaurants and getting abused both physically and psychologically by all. There are numerous horror tales of small kids being harassed and made to work under inhuman conditions in factories all across the country. We are comfortable reading about sexual torture of innocents. We just don’t bother if scores of our nation’s future are begging and sleeping on streets. That they are living in absolutely hell-like conditions growing up as stunted and stunned souls, with very little left inside to reciprocate – as hollow humans. As humans, citizens of a country called India which prides itself on its family oriented society, we are too busy concentrating on our own lives and shutting out all unpleasant scenes of real life through closed eyes – of other people’s life. As individuals, our love for children is grossly limited to ‘our own’. Rest all are “aliens” – unreachable and untouchable in terms of emotional connect.
I your case too, Falak, we will close our eyes the moment television cameras close their caps.
And, for God’s sake, please do not expect the government of India to do any thing for you beyond a certain point at best. They have already exhibited their limitations – as always – in taking care of you. If it had noble intentions, the GOI would have already succeeded in punishing your butchers (arresting them by now at least) and would have announced definitive plans for your rehabilitation. It would be completely foolish to trust the government in India. It just has too many children roaming around to be bothered about any. For India, its people are just statistics, nothing more. And your absence will certainly not leave any void.
Therefore, I wish death for you – ASAP. May you R.I.P J … Just ask the God why did It close Its eyes upon you? …
You know Falak, your name means “sky”; I wish your soul an abode in sky – Falak in Falak J