You are cordially invited to witness
The Hanging of Ajmal Kasab, Afzal Guru & Rajiv Gandhi’s assassins’ pictures in the Parliament of India.
Venue: Central Hall, Parliament of India
Date: 15th August
Time: 12 noon
Please be seated 15 minutes before the start of the function.
RSVP: India.
Yes, hang Kasab, Afzal and Rajiv Gandhi’s assassins’ pictures in parliament! If we are so hesitant to hang these proven assassins and murderers and killers, at least hang their pictures in the parliament. India would, in effect, then – technically at least – be seen doing something. Status quo cannot be sustained for long – like in all things in the world. By this we would – as desired so desperately – be demonstrating to the world that India upholds a human’s right to live at all cost! So what if these so-called humans in question are terrorists? So what if Ajmal Kasab’s madness as a mass murderer was caught on CCTV cameras and broadcast live to all corners of the world?! So what if Afzal Guru, a self-confessed once-upon-a-time-active-terrorist-but-now-a-passive-terrorist orchestrated the deadly attack on the Parliament of India – the prime institution which epitomizes what our country stands for: a sovereign and a democratic nation?! So what if the LTTE mercenaries assassinated the former prime minister of India – Rajiv Gandhi – for sending peace-keeping forces in Sri Lanka?! So what if scores of people’s lives – people around these named victims - got extinguished and their families’ lives getting massively impacted, changing the definition of life for them forever because of the dastardly deeds of these so-called humans, the lives of whom we are now so desperately trying to protect?!
I say: why waste precious time debating whether “to hang or not to hang”? Simply hang these killers’ pictures in the parliament of India! The End.
Now, why only these high profile terrorists should get this privilege of not going to gallows? Let us extend this opportunity of avoiding punishment to all criminals of our great country! This way we will be able to showcase to the world once again our great criminal justice system. “Justice-for-criminals” system! After all, with the craving for a pat from the world – our self-created notion solely, not the prevalent worldview – we have so diligently guarded Kasab and kept him safe at the cost - a few million dollars only so far! And have kept Afzal Guru safely away from the hangman! And in case of our prime minister’s assassins we have set a record of safeguarding their existence for more than two decades now! Wow!
Soon the world is going to see our esteemed proponents of “justice-for-criminals” being elected to the high offices of the International Criminal Courts and all criminal courts of the world. And our esteemed “justice-for-criminals” system is going to get included in the syllabus of the courses on the subject throughout the globe. After all, India has set unprecedented examples in the “justice-for-criminals” field. Whether other countries emulate this Indian “justice-for-criminals” system or not is anybody’s guess!
Well, now that the whole argument is hinged on two facets: that “capital-punishment-is-not-a-deterrent” and that even the “state-does-not-have-the-right-to-take-life-of-a-killer” – the privilege lies with the God solely! – let us overhaul the whole criminal justice system. Let us dismantle the entire judicial infrastructure and demolish the prisons. Let us retire all judges and lawyers and do away with the police. Why waste valuable time and money and efforts on something as wasteful as maintaining the functioning of this interconnected mechanism when the “ultimate outcome” is not going to be achieved?
Yes, why waste time and energy on something which is so fundamental and a manifestation of Nature’s Design? God’ s creation! Let nature take its course. “Natural Selection”! Charles Darwin so assiduously tried to teach all of us that the world works on the principles of “Natural Selection” and “Struggle for Survival”. “Survival of the Fittest”! Therefore, let people who are “fittest survive”; others can perish in former’s hands. Why frown? If criminals and rapists and robbers and murderers and killers and cheaters and fraudsters and kidnappers and scamsters are “fitter” then let them “thrive”; the rest of us from the lesser fitter gene stock can be eternally thankful for being let to “simply survive”. Moreover, one should not try to alter the “Natural Biodiversity”. The earth remains worth living only because of this biodiversity in which all survive together – humans and these so-called humans. As per Mr. Darwin, if we do not “adapt” to the ever altering ecosystem and embrace “biodiversity” – humans & in-humans included – we will become “extinct”. In addition, this will disturb the delicately balanced global ecosystem – the food chain in which we – the lesser fitter kinds – often fall prey to the predatory instincts of the “fittest” kinds. Natural Selection and Natural Justice, I say!
Again coming back to Kasab, Afzal and Rajiv’s assassins’ saga, by not hanging them India will get recognized as the beacon of human rights on this earth. So what if these so-called humans are the same set of humans who so meticulously plotted and executed other humans? (Cannot blame them; in the “Origin of Species” & the “Descent of Human”, they simply got left out a bit in the process of “evolution”.) Hey, haven’t we heard so many times that “all is fair in love and war”! And these so-called humans were in “war” – by their own definition – so let us be “fair” to them. Let us pardon them all, en masse. Period. The End of the Debate. We, the people of an Incredible India, let’s Enjoy Life till it lasts J …
Lest you forget: Please be seated 15 minutes before the start of the function. India is going to hang Kasab, Afzal and Rajiv’s assassins’ pictures in the parliament. For details see the “Invite”. See you all there …