It had been weighing on my conscience since Aug 16 for not being able to make it to the Ramlila Ground and pledge my support to Anna in person; I had this strong feeling of guilt that in spite of being a proponent of anti-corruption movement, I had not contributed to it in real terms. The reasons were numerous but though none being an “excuse’, I decided to do my bit. Therefore, today – 27th Aug – I went to Ramlila Ground in the afternoon.
The moment I made the decision, a strange feeling engulfed me; I found myself very uncomfortable with the thought of being amidst that huge crowd. Even my parents were uneasy. They advised me to strictly maintain my cool unless provoked to “that” extent. I assured them that I would as I didn’t want to become a “breaking news” in front of the Indian media fraternity!
There were people all around. Getting inside the Ground took almost 20 minutes. But the security personnel were managing the queues well. People were of all age groups, with males obviously hugely dominating in numbers. There was a separate allocated space for females. People were in groups, with family members including aged parents and children, singles - from all classes and strata of society. The energy of the gathered public was amazing! Chants of Anna were being heard all over, in fact from a couple of kilometers away. Loudspeakers were blaring speeches and songs. ‘Main Anna Hoon’ – I am Anna – caps and badges were seen on almost everybody; many wearing tri-colored wrist bands and waving Indian Tri-color in numerous sizes. The mood was of extreme eagerness but of absolute hope at the same time. The reverence for Anna was palpable. The Ground resembled a place of pilgrimage!
After having stood in the “mixed” queue for almost 20 minutes, I gained entry into the Ground. My first instinct was to look for Anna! He was sitting on a raised podium at a distance. Automatically I started walking in that direction but keeping myself away from the crowd –walking at the periphery of the gathering. However, barely I had covered a few meters that suddenly I got caught in a huge sea of people, all having come inside “suddenly” – that is what it seemed then! – crushing me virtually from all sides. The scene resembled an impending stampede! And I got alert and concerned about my physical safety. But to my surprise, people – all male crowd – behaved extremely decently! No even a single person tried to show his ‘basic instincts’. And, perhaps, for the first time in my life I felt proud of my countrymen who otherwise exhibit such pathetic attitude towards women that you cannot help but hate them. To me it seemed to be the reflection of Anna in every male present there!
Another distinct feature of the Ground was the presence of media. Never before I had seen such a huge congregation of press for any event! The OB vans were parked all around the ground; television cameras and other broadcast paraphernalia were mounted inside the ground. Television channel reporters were busy reporting. I watched them work – and work hard non-stop! – with high amount of respect. If Anna could drive home his point in otherwise not-so-courageous Indian hearts, a great degree of credit goes to the Indian media which stood by him throughout and ensured that Anna’s people’s movement became stronger with every passing day. In this one name which stands out is of Arnab Goswami and his team at Times Now – Team Arnab! - they set a record of non-stop coverage of close to 300 hours (13 days) and made sure that all relevant points regarding the Jan Lokpal Bill – including doubts, concerns raised by genuine people as well as detractors – were debated with utmost sincerity and honesty with the sole purpose of putting the truth before public. And if many felt he could be rechristened as Arnab Hazare or Anna Goswami, I think that says it all! Continue your crusade, Bengali Babu Moshai J … (as called by parliamentarians!).
Parliamentary discussions were on; India’s elected representatives were meeting and debating the ‘3’ points put forth by Anna for inclusion in the Jan Lokpal Bill draft for discussion. The passing of parliamentary resolution was awaited anxiously as Anna had entered his 12th Day of fasting. Everyone shared a deep concern for his falling health; everyone wanted the government to relent so that Anna could break his fast.
However, what was incredible was Anna’s energy level! He looked strong enough sitting there and lovingly staring into the crowd, considering the length of his non-stop fast. I tried to take a few pictures of him, and did so as well, but the sheer distance between him and me ensured I did not get any “good” photograph. However, I could get myself clicked with Anna on stage and people all around in the background and guaranteed that I had a souvenir!
I called up my parents and gave them a running commentary of the happenings at the Ground till it was announced that the parliament had passed the resolution as per Anna’s demands on the pending Jan Lokpal Bill. And the crowd erupted with ecstasy! What a moment it was! I felt blessed being a part of the history being made! My regret of not being born in the times of Mahatma Gandhi felt like regressing to a large extent! I was witnessing a watershed!
Anna with support of his team member got up and waved happily to the crowd which was now loudly cheering and chanting his name! It was a victory and it was unprecedented! Never before since the time of India’s independence, people’s power had been acknowledged in the arrogant corridors of political power! The democracy in all its essence was on display! And it was an extremely proud moment for India!
Anna proved to the world once again that Mahatma Gandhi’s ideals of peaceful protests were alive and relevant even in today’s 21st century! And he showed to the people that collectively they could bring about desired changes in society and polity of the nation! Indians looked transformed!
Words fail me to describe the event in its entirety. It was an experience of my lifetime! I kept watching the happenings both on and off the stage for some more time, soaking in the fervor and festivity! There was hope floating all around coupled with confidence about a corruption free future for all! This was in fact the “game changing” moment in Anna’s crusade against corruption! And I was simply happy to be a part of this soon-to-be-seen change!
28-08-11: Anna has broken his fast today. After a couple of days in hospital (Thanks, Dr. Naresh Trehan, for looking after Anna’s health for past 13 days; please continue to take care of him even beyond his discharge from your Medanta Medicity!) he would be again on his mission for a strong Jan Lokapl Bill. As he said: the battle is only 50% won! To think that the task towards achieving the other 50% would be smooth now, as the political class has “woken up” to the reality that India needs change, is a bit naïve. Anna will have to continue his protest and sustain his self-led India Against Corruption fight along with his esteemed Team Anna and his millions of supporters – Annas! - all over the country and abroad. But one thing is clear: This time India will ensure that the Change comes - and fast! Else, Anna will fast again! ;)
I don’t have to be Paul The Octopus to predict this: if Indian politicians still fail to see the change in public mood towards them, they are going to become irrelevant soon. The foolishly arrogant attitude that they demonstrated so shamelessly for so long will have to be shed. Hubris will not take them far anymore. If they do not embrace the desired Change, then they would get changed. But the process of Change will not stop; in fact the Catalyst for Change has just got activated …
Anna, Gandhiji is smiling up there J