I start with thanking Anna Hazare and all founding members of “
Now that we have the Lokpal Bill, the moot question remains: Is Lokpal Bill the Panacea against Corruption?
NO. Let’s admit it honestly. Lokpal Bill is the first step in that direction, nevertheless. Its sincere and fair implementation will determine its effectiveness and purpose, and ultimate success; the chances of which are extremely grim, to say the least.
Well, we know the reasons.
We don’t have to do an autopsy of our systems – the monumentally corrupt systems are very much alive! – to discover that the chronic malaise is a multi-organ phenomenon and is indeed widespread and deep-seated. Also, we do not have to do gene-mapping of our country to realize that the etiology of the disease is a DNA mutation leading to the corrupt-chromosome getting embedded into the nucleus of the nation!
Let us also not forget the global positioning of
Frankly speaking, to believe that because the Indians came out in full support to Anna Hazare’s fast-unto-death protest Indians have got re-mutated to their Non-Corrupt Avatar would be like living in an illusory
Indian history is witness to a few such contemporary revolutions. In my living memory Mandal Commission was the first such incident which succeeded in mobilizing a large population base to protest which was followed by a repeat show at Ayodhya and resurfaced occasionally in form of support for quotas/reservations etc. Election Reforms Bill (not the actual terminology) also got huge support from the public of
Thus to believe that all ills will be cured just by signing of the Jan Lokpal Bill is the height of naivety and extreme form of foolishness!
Therefore, first and foremost, we need to cleanse our systems – both politically and socially – to be able to bury the demon of corruption. Because, Lokpal or something else, it is the Indians who are going to be at the helm of affairs majority of who would come from the same corrupt gene-pool! Otherwise, to say that the Lokpal Bill too will remain rusting and corruption will continue to thrive will be an understatement. And, remember, Anna will not be around forever for us to fast-unto-death for every change we desire!
In fact we need to change our attitude fundamentally. Like charity, NO TO CORRUPTION has to start from self; the change has to come from within; in every day of our life. Let’s pledge not to give any bribe for any personal cause or gains. Let’s also make a resolve that no matter what the allure, we will not let the honest core of our being – and
Then only real change will come to
If we do not change – ourselves and our country -
Living a corruption-free life is not difficult. It just a matter of practice and getting used to a better life – a life with dignity and free from manipulations; a life filled with honesty and integrity and sincerity and prosperity and peace and happiness – for all.
These are not sermons; these are what everybody in non-corrupt parts of the world experiences and enjoys! And we too can!
Because only an “Incorruptible
Anna, your Annagiri will prove to be a viable channel for fast-unto-death-of-corruption!
Anna, I know now why you love to fast! Ann-na means “no ann” i.e no grains! ... And, "annshan" means "shun" the "ann"!
Anna, I salute your strength; even after 97 hours of non-stop fasting, you looked and sounded absolutely strong! That’s the mettle of a true leader!
To all those so-called leaders who boast of a popular base on twitter/facebook: just accept my challenge to gather so many people in support of a cause espoused by you in your tweet or on your facebook page - in a public place and away from the glare of television cameras – and force the GOI to act in favour; I will accept you as my leader!
World’s revolutions have been fought primarily by youth but have almost always been led by matured leaders!
And it was no twitter-facebook revolution; it was a pure people’s revolution; revolution of all those people who bothered to come to India Gate and Gateway of India and other designated places in solidarity with Anna’s cause. Because if the GOI relented, it was under the sheer pressure of losing its voters base – of whatever is left of.
And it was Media’s movement also because if the Indian media had not highlighted Anna Hazare’s fast through non-stop coverage, this event would have also died down like previous many such protests.
The success of Anna’s crusade proves two things: that if the people of
Finally, a slogan for the second round of Indian revolution, if need be (and chances would be many!): Kudos to Anna and Judo (kicks) to politicians! (My sister has the copyright to it!) J