Often I wonder why we Indians feel so “Indian”! That is, why we Indians do not forget that we are only Indians at times. That is, why we Indians are so uncomfortable feeling not “Indian”. That is, why we Indians feel so awkward being a world citizen.
I wonder because I see Indians ‘trying’ to be Indians all the time.
If you refute my “charges” on us fellow Indians then just take a 360 degree view of our country and countrymen and you will understand what I mean.
For us the world is India. We simply refuse to accept that even though we hold Indian passport, we are essentially a part of the larger world. That is, we Indians are world citizens as well. And whatever little worldview we have, that is “limited edition” and laced with hypocritical Indianness. Just dissect an Indian’s life and style and you will see the all too evident dichotomy.
Because of “economical” reasons we are enormously comfortable embracing a foreign language i.e. English as it has become the working language by default and we cannot “work” without it, but beyond a certain point we are immensely uncomfortable with things “non-Indian”, be it wearing western dresses or eating continental food or listening to English songs or watching English movies. (English is the only non-Indian language we understand!) Interestingly, on the other side, we also pride ourselves on being indulgent in things “western” as that satisfies our narrow definition of being “modern”. But obviously this approach is full of “double standards”. Else, why do we see people dramatically change – going back to “Indian” ways - in their habits and lifestyle once they so-called settle down (marriage!) in life?
And perhaps that is the reason why we see Hindi and regional genres in all fields doing immensely well in comparison to the English format. The conflict is chronic but has become glaring in present times when compared to yesteryears.
We are happy living in our Indian cocoon and we refuse to look outward. Whatever may be happening elsewhere in the world, we continue to concentrate on our set of issues all the time.
India’s inward looking view is not a recently acquired attitude; we have been wrapped in our Indianness for as far as history can look back. And that’s the reason why we Indians could never become a part of the larger world in the true sense of the term.
Being one’s own country’s citizen is a desirable attribute; nevertheless, to wear one’s citizenship so overtly on sleeves is not such a welcome characteristic. Because manifesting our skewed Indianness amidst global atmosphere – and aspirations - could become a bit uncalled for at times.
Take the case of the spreading pro-democracy protests worldwide. While the rest of the world is focused on the events unfolding in the Arab and the African worlds, India is blissfully insulated. The best reflective parameter is of course the Indian media. Tunisian revolution happened and got over and Ben Ali got ousted but our media mentioned the historic movement only as a passing remark. If Hosni Mubarak had resigned by fourth day of the Egypt uprising, the Indian media would have missed out completely on the ‘history-in-making’ moments. Sadly, the media has again pressed its snooze button and has shut out the reports of protests in Libya, Bahrain, Algeria, Yemen, Morocco and elsewhere in its coverage. Actually, our media has become so obsessed with the entire idea of “breaking news” of so-called relevant news to India primarily for the TRP share that it seems to have worn a blindfold permanently as far as the international news go. We do not even hear a mention of important global occurrences anymore. India-centric scams and scamsters continue to hog the limelight and get the primetime.
In an increasingly integrating world, where India is poised to stake a claim – rightly so – to the global high table because of its envied status of an emerging economic giant, Indian media will have to play a hugely integrating role. The exhibition of this “don’t care” attitude towards the world will not take India far. Our markets are not going to make us remain relevant, politically at least, for the world for long; we need to become a part of the global mosaic.
Sadly, I don’t think anybody is even bothered about India and Indian media. Otherwise, when a large part of the world is moving towards adopting democratic methods of governance, the world’s biggest democracy i.e. India does not find a mention anywhere. Indian political leadership and the Indian media have ensured that we remain anonymous in world’s watershed! Under ‘normal’ circumstances, India’s democratic administration should be talked about besides US’ as an example for other nations to emulate. We should be watching and hearing our political and media fraternities engaged into debates in the global media. But alas, no one cares! Because, we do not care to look beyond our boundaries. I call it a fitting reciprocation!
If I were the head of a media house, I would have seized this opportunity to showcase to the world India and its Indianness – democracy included – and would have involved and engaged the world population – media included – and would have in turn got involved and engaged with the world and its historic happenings; I would have tried to break the ‘isolationist’ image of the Indian media, and India. I would have helped my India overcome its inability – and obsession with Indianness - to cross over beyond its borders.
(I have always wondered that when India is talked about as being “poised”, then why Indian media is not taken in the same stride. Frankly, we know the answer. Honestly, we have world class media personalities but alas, they seem to have missed out on the opportunities yet again! …)
It is good to nurse a belief like “Mera Bharat Mahan” but other nations are as much Mahan as India if not more! …