“I feel a kinship with the Roma people …,” Indira Gandhi had shown her trademark courage while inaugurating the International Romani Festival in Chandigarh in 1983. We haven’t seen any effort even remotely close to Mrs. Gandhi’s gesture in support of Romas since then. In fact, India has historically kept itself away from monumental mess that the Roma people have been in – repeatedly - since their migration in the 14th century.
Today the world is debating the recent escalation in banishing of Romas by countries like France and Italy but India continues with its famed silence. International publications have taken up the subject seriously but India Media has conveniently ignored the topic. Wonder if our Press has any clue about inhuman deportation of Romas.
Someone might ask: “What is so incredible about Romas that India should intervene?”
Well, as we all know, Romas are our brothers and sisters; Romas are Indians! They have always been a part of our society and culture. The only difference from international scenario is that in India we have traditionally been calling them “Banjaras”.
“Banjaras”: this nomadic tribe has adorned social landscape of India since time immemorial – quite literally and especially in Rajasthan! Just try to imagine Rajasthan in all its glory and you would find Romas walking all over! Can Rajasthan ever be depicted without painting women in colourful dresses – ghaghra & choli – and ethnic jewelry in the scene? Or its men in traditional Rajasthani costume? If Rajasthan today is one of the most favourite destinations for foreigners, then Banjaras have to be thanked profusely for making sketch of this state so attractive to international tourists! They comprehensively complement Royals in Rajasthan! Their continued trust in “Indian” beliefs and practices continues to endorse their Indian legacy!
Romas are the same Banjaras who migrated out of India post Mahmoud Gori’s invasion to escape atrocities of the invader. This had happened many centuries back – 14th to be precise. Since then they have been roaming the surface of the earth as rootless creatures. Absurdity of fate would have it that they got mistaken as “Egyptians” by the then Eastern Europeans and had to live with their imposed “mistaken identity” of being the people having sheltered Jesus Christ during his childhood years in Egypt. And, they acquired the name “Gypsy” for being “E-gyptians”!
Humanity has remained inhuman to Romas ever since their entry into newer parts of the world. Many a times their existence has been endangered, almost wiped off the face of the earth. Series of persecutions they have been subjected to is sufficient to move any sensitive person to tears. Even Adolf Hitler did not spare them. He ordered their mass extermination.
For me, this age old barbarism towards Romas is hugely baffling. Because, Romas have always been truly nomadic in their nature: no fixed address, no fixed life – always on move – leading a “free” life, in solidarity with nature! Sorrows and sufferings have not been able to shake their resilience. Similarly adversities and atrocities have also proved inadequate to force them into renouncing societies they have embraced and integrated into, making immense contributions towards development of various aspects of those communities. Sometime they have undergone forceful assimilation too. But that’s a different “cruel” saga altogether.
Romas’ impact has been the other way too. Influence of Romani culture on enrichment of the world music and dances cannot – should not - be underestimated. Similar is their sphere of effect in India.
“Banjara” lifestyle has ensured Romas lead predominantly an uneducated life. And lack of education has led to (so-called) uncultured behaviour amongst the population. Criminal tinge is also visible in a sizeable percentage. Pervasive dislike bestowed upon them has made their survival complicated. And in recent years the world has witnessed an unprecedented increase in racial abuse towards Romas. The hate-cycle targeted against them seems to have started all over again!
Now, as erstwhile Indians the least they (would) expect from India, their country of origin and having qualified for the status of PIO i.e. People of Indian Origin - perhaps amongst the first ones to go beyond the borders, when their ethnicity is in extreme danger – history repeating itself? – is that India will extend its full support; that India will use all its geopolitical-economic might on the global stage and ensure that repatriation being perpetrated upon them by paranoid nations like France and Italy gets reversed. Romas are themselves in miniscule numbers - hardly a few millions - and their immigration cannot in any way harm rest of the population, howsoever blind the latter remains with prejudice.
India, you listening? …
Post-script: My earnest appeal is to the Indian establishment to also “Save Vijay Kumar” so that he comes back to India soon and starts filming his next movie: “My Name is Kumar and I am Not a Terrorist!”(for screening during the forthcoming visit of the American establishment’s stalwarts including President Barack Obama).