You don’t have to be born with an Einstein’s brain to know that being Barack Obama is the most stressful status to have in today’s world! Only a year after his grand-est inauguration, he finds himself at the lowest point of his presidential life – in terms of popularity, purely - so far. The public approval is sliding fast, confirming the huge erosion in his supporters’ faith in him. Democrats’ recent loss of the otherwise impregnable Massachusetts senate seat re-confirmed it.
Has Barack Obama failed? Or, is he being put on the altar of “Great Expectations”? Is it fair to judge him so soon?
The world knows that the America Barack Obama inherited was at its worst: economically and geopolitically. The fact that he was forced to drag on with the immoral Iraq war and a misplaced Afghanistan war in spite of his personal opposition to them, he could not abandon those war-ravaged nations to defend - and fend for – themselves. He simply had to carry on and wait for the “right” opportunity to pull out US’ army from there.
The result has been devastating: for Iraq and Afghanistan, and America, as well! These seemingly never-ending wars have left deep scars and big burdens on all countries involved: emotionally and financially.
But wars are not president’s major worries. The still struggling markets both on the Wall Street and the Main Street and therefore continuing monthly loss of more than half a million jobs are posing biggest challenges. He will have to take more stringent financial measures to arrest the ever-increasing percentage of unemployed Americans that stands at 10% today.
And it is not going to be easy for him.
But he hasn’t failed as yet. In fact, Obama Administration has succeeded in preventing America plunging into Depression 2.0.
There is a lot at stake for the world in America’s coming back to its earlier glory days as a ‘Post-American World” is going to be a dreaded situation for all. Imagine, China becoming the Superpower! With its closed communist ideologies in which there is no room for democracy and freedom, China’s domination in geopolitics will have immensely adverse impacts on countries and people blessed to be living in a “free-world”. Frankly speaking, China is a great country that has shown enormous success in economic spheres, but I am totally against its style of governance & politics. For me, personal liberty is of paramount importance. I am an individual and I want to be respected like one by all, as I do to others. I am not ready to compromise on my independence and my rights to live as a human being. And for this, the United States of America has to be one of the Super Powers at all the time!
And for this sole reason, I wish Barack Obama all the Success as the president of the United States of America! He is an extraordinary leader and he will successfully lead his country into sunshine again, I am 100% sure of that! Nevertheless, America, and the world, needs to give him time. And, he will bring about all those Changes we can believe in! And say with pride: Yes, we can; Yes, we did!
Best of Luck, Mr. President!
Has Barack Obama failed? Or, is he being put on the altar of “Great Expectations”? Is it fair to judge him so soon?
The world knows that the America Barack Obama inherited was at its worst: economically and geopolitically. The fact that he was forced to drag on with the immoral Iraq war and a misplaced Afghanistan war in spite of his personal opposition to them, he could not abandon those war-ravaged nations to defend - and fend for – themselves. He simply had to carry on and wait for the “right” opportunity to pull out US’ army from there.
The result has been devastating: for Iraq and Afghanistan, and America, as well! These seemingly never-ending wars have left deep scars and big burdens on all countries involved: emotionally and financially.
But wars are not president’s major worries. The still struggling markets both on the Wall Street and the Main Street and therefore continuing monthly loss of more than half a million jobs are posing biggest challenges. He will have to take more stringent financial measures to arrest the ever-increasing percentage of unemployed Americans that stands at 10% today.
And it is not going to be easy for him.
But he hasn’t failed as yet. In fact, Obama Administration has succeeded in preventing America plunging into Depression 2.0.
There is a lot at stake for the world in America’s coming back to its earlier glory days as a ‘Post-American World” is going to be a dreaded situation for all. Imagine, China becoming the Superpower! With its closed communist ideologies in which there is no room for democracy and freedom, China’s domination in geopolitics will have immensely adverse impacts on countries and people blessed to be living in a “free-world”. Frankly speaking, China is a great country that has shown enormous success in economic spheres, but I am totally against its style of governance & politics. For me, personal liberty is of paramount importance. I am an individual and I want to be respected like one by all, as I do to others. I am not ready to compromise on my independence and my rights to live as a human being. And for this, the United States of America has to be one of the Super Powers at all the time!
And for this sole reason, I wish Barack Obama all the Success as the president of the United States of America! He is an extraordinary leader and he will successfully lead his country into sunshine again, I am 100% sure of that! Nevertheless, America, and the world, needs to give him time. And, he will bring about all those Changes we can believe in! And say with pride: Yes, we can; Yes, we did!
Best of Luck, Mr. President!